Lina Pulgarin

Writer, coach, inspirer, lecturer, businesswoman, entrepreneur.

I study marketing and advertising, in the European colombo of Pereira Colombia, after emigrating to the United Kingdom, she dedicated herself to focusing on her great dream that has always been writing and leadership for women adhering to studies such as coaching for happiness, emotional marketing and everything related to personal growth, self-confidence and self-esteem.

She is currently developing her own programs helping a number of people in the process of finding themselves to recognize the importance of healing and identifying the divinity of their inner child in order to resume the desire to live to the fullest, reconnecting with their highest purposes.

Today she is promoting programs and techniques of the new era of her own creation, such as reconstructive amorology and practical joy which she applies with affection and success, powerful adventure to the center of your being, is an example of this.

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Lina Pulgarin Books

  • Poderosa Aventura Al Centro de tu Ser

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