Securely Insecure
In the novel Securely Insecure, four strangers meet at a Delaware college in the hope of leaving their abusive childhood in the past. Lynnie, Myra, Jessica, and Amanda are kindred spirits and form an unbreakable bond through their shared commonality of trauma. As the women journey through life, their past haunts them, and the challenges presented trigger their traumas, exploiting their most vulnerable insecurities. The friendship bonds are tested when terrible circumstances change the friendship dynamic, and the legal and emotional ramifications are irreparable. The novel is riddled with tragedy, loss, grief, love, and, eventually, redemption. The four women learn hard lessons from their past and eventually discover that while you can’t change your circumstances, you can change your future. Securely Insecure provokes readers to evaluate humanity with relevant issues such as addiction, anxiety, friendship, love, and loss and exposes choices you later regret.
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